Sami McKenney, Editor-in-Chief
Sami McKenney is a senior and the editor-in-chief of The Claw and The Tiger Times Online. She has
collected myriad awards in Illinois journalism competitions throughout her scholastic journalism
career and also works professionally as a contracted freelance reporter for The Edwardsville
At school, she is the president of the Art Club and NAHS, an officer of NEHS, vice team
captain of the Ethics Bowl team and a member of the Creative Writing Club, NFHS and NHS. After
school and on weekends, she can be found in class at Turning Pointe Academy of Dance or in
rehearsals for Turning Pointe's pre-professional company, Tour Dance. Additionally, she is an avid
reader, cat lover and Taylor Swift enthusiast. She hopes to pursue a career in journalism and is
grateful to be a part of such a capable staff with whom to start her journey.