EHS Car Culture: Main Lot Becomes Home to Variety of Cars

Jade Weber, News Editor

The pickup trucks, the minivans, the Range Rovers, the abundance of Ford Focuses and the cars that are double the age of the kids who drive them. EHS is diverse in many ways, but none are more unique than the parking lot.

Most upperclassmen drive to school, so the spots in the main lot and the sports complex are mostly filled every day with everything from old pieces of junk to top-of-the-line sports cars.

Senior Madison Niesciur, who drives the white Range Rover she was gifted on her 16th birthday, said the parking lot has a lot of variety.

“There are a lot of different cars, and there are for sure some I would love to take for a drive,” Niescur said.

Senior Mary Webb has also noticed the immense variety of cars at EHS.

“You’ll see super nice convertibles or really run-down cars,” Webb said. “You also see huge pickup trucks and tiny Priuses.”

Many of the pickup trucks that make up a large part of the parking lot parade to GasDons after school and are known for their after-school hangouts.

Another popular car type in the EHS parking lot are the small sedans of all colors.

Webb started out her junior year driving the “nunmobile,” the red 1999 Chevy Prizm that was passed down from her aunt’s convent to her.

“We had quite the love hate relationship. I loved the car but it was unpredictable,” Webb said. “It doesn’t turn on when it’s super hot or cold, and the AC doesn’t work which makes it a pain in the summer.”

Since then, she has upgraded to her older brother’s Toyota Corolla, but even though it works better, she still has a soft spot for the nunmobile.

There may be trends in the EHS parking lots, but there are also outliers. Senior Amanda Mutz drives a 1989 Chevy Caprice Classic Wagon. Anyone who parks in the main lot has probably seen its ugly beauty.

“It can be embarrassing at times but it gets me from point A to point B (when it doesn’t break down),” Mutz said. “I wasn’t supposed to get a car so I’m thankful I have something.”

Her dad picked up the car for Mutz after he drove past it sitting in front of a shop and fell in love with it. Cars like Mutz’s give the parking lot its charm.

“The best part,” Mutz said, “is that I can always find it in parking lots.”