Students Spring into Shape for Summer

Jane Thompson, Co-Editor in Chief

When the weather warms and visions of bikini season dance in people’s heads, EHS students flock to the gym with new-found motivation to kick start their workout regimens.

And Planet Fitness receives the bulk of these workout-inspired people because of its motto: “Home of the Judgement Free Zone” and their high-school-budget-friendly fee of $10.

“It made me work out in a comfortable setting where I didn’t feel judged for trying to get fit,” Planet Fitness member and senior Christine Sheriff said.

Senior Camille Taylor was looking to add variety to her workout regimen and joined Planet Fitness earlier this month. She appreciates the convenient equipment available for running and sometimes goes to the gym twice a day.

Another new member, senior Julann Scheibal, joined Planet Fitness three weeks ago to get in shape for prom and the upcoming summer. Because she no longer participates in any sports, she saw Planet Fitness as a way to get back into shape and find a routine.

“I know what I want to look like by the time summer comes along, so I’m trying to go every other day,” she said. “Being healthy also puts me in a better mood and makes me happier.”

Scheibal likes to stay busy, and Planet Fitness provides her with a healthy outlet.

“Instead of sitting at home, I go work out, and I’m getting stronger and healthier,” Scheibal said. “Working out has made me feel more confident and gives me endurance to enjoy outdoor activities.”

Sheriff joined Planet Fitness a week after they opened in 2016 and, until recently, went twice a week. She joined to have a convenient place to exercise after school, but her job and school have prevented her from finding time to make it to the gym.

She hopes to make exercise part of her everyday routine this spring to get ready for summer and prom season.

Like Sheriff, it is common for high school students to fall out of their workout routine because of scheduling issues or a lack of motivation.

Taylor believes the best way to motivate yourself to work out is by exploring different types of workouts to find the one that is most enjoyable. From running to yoga to crossfit, the workout options available to students in Edwardsville are almost limitless.
“(When I exercise) I have more energy, and I feel happier,” Taylor said. “Working out doesn’t have to be work.”