EHS Goes Freaky over ‘Finstas’

Jade Weber, News Editor

Let’s face it: posting an Instagram picture can be hard work for a lot of us. You have to choose the right picture, construct the perfect caption and achieve that amount of likes you’ve been longing for. But recently, many Instagram users are feeling less pressure with the creation of the “finsta.”

A new fad among EHS students, the “finsta,” or fake Instagram account, is an account that is separate from a lot of users’ main accounts. This “fake” account is a place where only an exclusive group of the user’s friends can see the pictures.

“I usually post a recent photo or a photo taken directly on Instagram,” said senior and finsta owner Riley Kloostra. “Some other people just spam photos they’ve taken, whether it’s from vacations or a bunch of dogs.”

Kloostra herself admits to posting a lot of photos of cats or step-by-step cooking tutorials.

For senior Claudia Vazquez, she originally made her finsta for a vacation.

“I made a finsta right before I went to New York City because I wanted to post all of my touristy photos without annoying everyone on my main account,” Vazquez said. “Once I got back, I kept it and now I post photos that I think are funny and want to share with close friends.”

Although it seems like finstas are a somewhat new trend, EHS is actually just late to the game.

“Finstas have been around for at least a year or so,” she said. “They just hadn’t popped up at EHS until (recently).”

The fake accounts at EHS were becoming noticeable around last May and have since grown into a prevalent trend among EHS students.

“Finstas are popular because it’s basically a modern day diary,” Vazquez said. “They’re only shared with people you know and trust.”

These accounts are a way for many users to escape the pressures of main account posting, she said.

“On a main account I post about big events or memories. It’s rare to see a photo not edited,” Vazquez said. “When I post on my finsta, I rarely edit it.

“It’s a finsta; you post what you want to post.”