The student news site of Edwardsville High School

Tiger Times

The student news site of Edwardsville High School

Tiger Times

The student news site of Edwardsville High School

Tiger Times

‘I Want This, I Want That’

February is the season of love and we all know what that means.  The infamous Feb. 14 is closing in on us this Friday, and you can already feel the mushy girly feelings in the air.

As we have gotten older it seems to me that the focus of Valentine’s Day has changed.  In elementary school we were all excited about receiving the little Valentine’s Day cards stuck to a pixie stick or chocolate.  In middle school we still liked to receive cards and candy but really wanted a valentine.  In high school it just seems that when it comes to Valentine’s Day people become so obsessed with trivial things.

Once February hit I tried to prepare myself for every Valentine’s Day post on my Twitter feed.  For two weeks all I’ve seen are pictures of giant teddy bears, flowers and Victoria’s Secret bags.  I’m 100 percent done.

All I hear from girls around school is “I want a giant teddy bear.”  Let’s be honest, what are you going to do with it?  Nothing it’s just going to sit there.

To be a cliché, a gift is more special when it comes from the heart and not from a store.

Also no guy wants to spend $50 on a T-shirt for you from Victoria’s Secret, but if he does then lucky you.  When I see captions like “All I want for Valentine’s Day,” and there’s a picture of a giant bar, flower, Starbucks or clothing, it makes me wonder how much money do you think your man has?

Cut the poor guy some slack.  Bragging about all the material things that you want just makes you look greedy.  They are supposed to be your valentine not your source of income.

Plus how would you feel if your valentine bombarded you with everything under the sun that they wanted.

Another thing most girls are guilty of, when they don’t have a valentine, is that they complain about not having one.  It makes me want to ram my head into a wall.  All it does is make you look needy and whinny; that’s not attractive.  You’re not forever alone, so stop acting like it.

The higher you set your expectations, the greater the chance you have to be disappointed.  It’s more exciting and meaningful when it’s least expected.


About the Contributor
Paige Schmittling
Paige Schmittling, Staff Writer
Paige Schmittling is a junior at Edwardsville High School.  She spends her time playing softball year-round and working out.  She hopes to attend Western Illinois University and play college softball and major in athletic training.  Paige loves listening to music and watching horror movies.  Paige joined the Journalism 2 staff because she loves Mrs. Thrun and writing. She enjoys going to Cardinals games and watching baseball.  Paige is very energetic and loves the company of her friends.