The Last First Day

Jack Vuagniaux, Staff Writer

The incessant ring of my alarm wills me to get out of my warm bed.

It’s the earliest I have gotten up in a long time as I grab my clothes and take a shower.  I go downstairs to the smell of bacon and waffles that my mom woke up early to make my sister, who is about to experience her first day as a high schooler, and me, a senior.

This is it, I thought as I pulled out of my driveway and drove to school.  It was the beginning and end of a four year routine to which I had grown accustomed.

The first day of school usually has two attitudes.  The first is by many who cannot wait to get back to a schedule and see people who they have not seen all summer.  The other, more popular among students, is a negative feeling, perhaps even hatred, of walking through the crowded halls and going to classes in which they have no interest.

In the past three years of high school, I have felt a mix of both.  Being with friends most of the day and learning new things can be exciting, but waking up early and having difficult classes is definitely not my idea of fun.

Student’s attitudes can be influenced by where they go to school, and going to Edwardsville High School has a positive impact on my attitude.  As a senior, I am comfortable in the school’s atmosphere, and Dr. Cramsey’s “Make today the best day ever” never gets old.

It felt like I had been in school for a month already.  Not because the school day went on forever, but because I felt my routine return and was acclimated to my classes quickly.  I didn’t appreciate the homework but sometimes it’s unavoidable.

Of course, our work would not get done without the work of our teachers.  Thanks to the EHS faculty, I imagine I can be as confident as Dr. Cramsey when I say the final year of high school will be “the best year ever.”