New EHS Club Focuses on Physics and Engineering

Jacqueline Glenn, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Last year during Science Olympiad, a lightbulb appeared above senior Anthony Evans’s head. What if an EHS club existed that concentrated on physics and gave students engineering experience they could use in their future careers?

“I’ve always been interested in math and science…I began to wonder if there were any science competitions that focused more specifically on physics. I did some research and found several,” Evans said.

In its first meeting on Aug. 28, Engineering Club discussed participating in both the International Physics Olympiad and the Technology Student Association competitions.

Although the club members will train to compete, Evans will also include educational presentations during the meetings.

“I didn’t want the club to be entirely focused on competition, however, and decided to include presentations about all the different fields of engineering,” Evans said.

Engineering Club’s specialized focus differentiates it from other EHS science clubs.

“Instead of being as broad a topic as ‘science’ or ‘math’, the presentations and activities will be about a specific branch of engineering each week,” Evans said.

Nathan Rassi, Engineering Club’s sponsor, said that Evans could take credit for the club’s existence.

“The idea of a club came from a student, and he is doing all the planning. I am just the sponsor,” Mr. Rassi said via email.

Junior Joshua Harris aims to both educate students about engineering and perform engineering-related community service through the club, although he is unsure of the project.

“I joined engineering club for two main reasons. I want to further my knowledge of engineering and I want to have a community involvement through engineering,” Harris said.

Evans’s goals for Engineering Club’s first year are to compete and to provide engineering education for its members.

“I am very passionate about the field of engineering and would like to get more people interested in it as a possible career path…it’s also important that members experience the competitions.”