The student news site of Edwardsville High School

Tiger Times

The student news site of Edwardsville High School

Tiger Times

The student news site of Edwardsville High School

Tiger Times

Reclaiming YOLO

YOLO: Is it overused? Yes. Under-thought?  Definitely.  Overrated?  Maybe not. 

Thanks to Drake’s latest hit song “The Motto,” teenagers everywhere are using the newest slang term, “YOLO,” an acronym standing for “you only live once.”  Much like Carpe Diem, the phrase encourages everyone to live their life to the fullest.  Many people, however, are using this new phrase as an excuse to engage in reckless behavior.  But despite its negative connotation, the term may not be completely hopeless after all. 

To junior Zach Bryant YOLO should mean, “You have to live a little bit every once in a while so take advantage of what life has to offer but that doesn’t mean to do irresponsible things that could ruin your life.”

Over the summer, some of Edwardsville High School’s students found other ways to live their lives to the fullest. 

This past summer, Allie Whitworth experienced a high-flying adventure when her  brother convinced her to go skydiving with him. “It was exhilarating and such an adrenaline-high,” says Whitworth.  “You could just clear your mind and not think of anything else.  It is definitely an experience worth trying.”  Though it’s daring, she will remember it for the rest of her life.

 Now this doesn’t mean that you have to go jumping out of planes to experience a YOLO moment.  Some people experience it simply by stepping out of your comfort zone for a while. 

This past summer Maryssa Lynn attended the Commonwealth Honors Academy at Murray State University , which was basically a three week preview of what college was like.

“I honestly did NOT want to go when I got accepted, but if I didn’t go that would’ve been the worst mistake of my life,” says Lynn.  “That program made me grow so much academically, and as a person. I learned not only school related things, but also how to be a good person and help my community.”

Lynn says that she was nervous for about the first five minutes, but right away, she was able to make friends.  “My life has changed for the good, and it’s all because of that program. So take chances, do things even if it scares you, because I did, and it was the best thing that ever happened to me,” she says.

When it comes to life, there are no second chances or do-overs.  It is not like DVR.  No one can magically rewind and erase mistakes that have been made or that have been missed opportunities have missed.

So instead of being afraid of the world, be the person who you wish to be and forget what the world thinks.  Take a chance, do something different, live your life to the fullest, and leave your mark.  After all, you only live once.