Confusing ‘Covfefe’ Corresponds to Trump’s Pride

Molly Farrar, A&E Editor

For Odysseus, it was hubris. For Achilles, it was his heel. Everyone has a flaw that can follow you everywhere, even into the Oval Office. As we’re wading into year two of President Donald J. Trump’s precarious presidency, his mortal flaws are becoming more evident than ever.


Throughout these last years, the public has learned the most about Trump’s flaw: speaking too much or too late.


White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter has stepped down from his position amid domestic abuse allegations from his two ex-wives, Colbie Holderness and Jennifer Willoughby. Despite photographic proof and Porter’s guilt-laced resignation, Porter is steadily denying everything.


On Feb. 10, Trump tweeted “Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused – life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?”


But why is Trump defending him? Why can’t Trump let Porter go with silence and dignity?


One example of little consequence, but albeit an example, was when Trump tweeted an incomplete thought that ended with the word “covfefe.” Instead of correcting the type, the president tweeted out a challenge to figure out the word’s meaning. Then, the then-Press Secretary Sean Spicer said in a press conference that, “The president and a small group of people know exactly what he meant.”


Another moment that may still be stuck in American minds was after Charlottesville, when our president failed to condemn Neo-Nazi’s as a first reaction. Both sides of the political spectrum went to Facebook and Twitter to denounce the “alt-right.” Trump tweeted a neutral tweet, blamed the protesters for not having a permit and failed to release a true condemnation until almost a week later.


The Porter scandal, Charlottesville and even “covfefe” situations have shown the American people one thing: pride is a powerful thing. A man such as Trump has yet to prove he can overcome his own ego and become President Donald J. Trump, not Donald J. Trump, president.