The student news site of Edwardsville High School

Tiger Times

The student news site of Edwardsville High School

Tiger Times

The student news site of Edwardsville High School

Tiger Times

Bro, You Got Tatted?

When a new school year rolls around, people are ready to show off their new clothes and accessories.  One thing some of our EHS seniors can show off is their new body art.

When I’m 18, I will not make inking up my body a hobby.  I have seen quite a few people in school with tattoos lately.  In some instances, my opinion on tattoos is neutral.  For the most part though, I am not completely for them unless they are discreet or have meaning behind them.

I can see both sides of the tattoo argument.  People want to express themselves and keep memories alive that have some special meaning, whether it is a name, quote or picture.  People even get them if they are survivors of cancer or are a part of the U.S. military.  However, others will get a spur of the moment, insignificant tattoo that mean nothing; they just thought it looked cool.

They can represent something significant, but when people turn their entire body into a canvas for a tattoo artist and let them cover your body in permanent ink, they’re pushing it a little.  If you really want your whole arm covered in pictures, buy a tattoo sleeve or get some washable ones from the store. If it is a necessity for you to have something on your body, buy henna – an Indian ink that stays on for weeks but at least it washes off.

Even if you decide to get a larger tattoo, I believe it would be better if it were placed somewhere more inconspicuous such as an ankle.  Being human, we are prone to judge other things and people and as much as we try not to, it still happens.  Tattoos can be a big contributor to being judged.  

If two different people went in for a job interview and both men had the same brains and same credentials but one had an arm covered in tattoos, who do you think would get the job?

About the Contributor
Paige Schmittling
Paige Schmittling, Staff Writer
Paige Schmittling is a junior at Edwardsville High School.  She spends her time playing softball year-round and working out.  She hopes to attend Western Illinois University and play college softball and major in athletic training.  Paige loves listening to music and watching horror movies.  Paige joined the Journalism 2 staff because she loves Mrs. Thrun and writing. She enjoys going to Cardinals games and watching baseball.  Paige is very energetic and loves the company of her friends.