Conspiracy Theories Grow with News of Jeffrey Epstein’s Death

Ryan Stewart, Co-Editor-In-Chief

The controversy sparked with the outing of financier Jeffrey Epstein as a sex trafficker had wide ramifications and brought up many conversations in the media about power and abuse.

Epstein’s apparent suicide has also served to inflame the discussion with theories about his death and whether or not he was killed by a political or otherwise powerful figure.

The theories range from “he was killed by a random inmate with a grudge,” to “his death was ordered by someone who used the sex trafficking service he was involved with.”

Information released to the public is limited currently, however a police report and guard testimonies are publicly available. The New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner ruled Epstein’s death as a suicide, CNN reported.

However, the theorists examining Epstein’s death for themselves think otherwise.

“I read an article by The Hill about a week ago that said the guards’ stories didn’t match up,” senior Nura Freese said. “[I think that] possibly the guards were paid to look the other way.”

Theories like Freese’s also consider the possibility that not only was Epstein’s death not a suicide, but that his death was orchestrated for a reason.

“He was connected to many powerful people who have been accused in participating in the sex crimes,” Freese said. “So they could just be trying to cover up by killing him.”

Many of those powerful accused people are high priority figures, including former President Bill Clinton and President Donald Trump. Under pressure from the public, all parties have denied their involvement in the sex trafficking ring as well as the alleged murder of Epstein.

This had not stopped curious minds from theorizing about what they think really happened and the circumstances surrounding Epstein’s prison stay.

“For one he was better off than most prisoners despite his heinous crimes and he would meet with his lawyers for entire days working on his defense,” senior Andrew Delmore said, “which in my opinion aren’t the actions of a man who is going to end it all in a couple of days.”

The days leading up to his death are also pulled into question in many of these theories.

“Also, he was on suicide watch, then promptly moved out of suicide watch, which should take a psyche evaluation,” Delmore said.

The timing of his death is one of the major points of contention for some and in this case Delmore agrees with that sentiment.

“I think people wanted him dead because he knew too much,” Delmore said. “He was killed twenty four hours after parts of his case were unsealed and he was still questioned by the authorities. Anyone he could have implicated could be responsible.”